Friends and interested carolers,
Itasca Community Chorus has been invited to sing at several downtown businesses the evening of Dec. 4. In the past this has been a good night for bonding with the community as we invite them to sing a long.
Stay tuned for more details from Sam. . . .
Itasca County's mixed choir, open to all serious singers. No auditions necessary. Join in Sept. or Jan. Goal--making quality choral music accessible to all. Fun director with excellent training. Friendly place to be. Wonderful time to make new friends and contribute to the joy of singing.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Singing with Sam
“Singing with Sam,” “Singing with people who can really
sing, singing good music, and singing it well.”
These were some of the responses offered to what Director Sam Evans and
Itasca Community Chorus is doing well. Saturday,
September 12 about fifty members of Itasca Community Chorus convened at Zion
Lutheran Church for a full day of rehearsals and community building. The 60-member choir is in full rehearsal for
its first concert of the season Oct. 30 7:00 p.m. at the United Methodist
Church in Grand Rapids.
Throughout the day Sam Evans, Concordia music graduate and
intern to Rene Clausen, conducted an intense and fruitful full choir rehearsal
interspersed with sectionals lead by Susan Loeffler and Susan Hoolihan (sopranos),
Lenora Evans and Darcy Reich (altos); Sam Evans & Stuart Boehr
(tenors), and Phil Kneeland and Kathy Goodwin (basses).
The Itasca Choral Society Board had contracted with Kathy
Allen and Lisa Randall to do community building activities with the choir
mid-morning and afternoon. That
increased the sense of how much these choir members value each other and the
opportunity to sing with Sam. Among
other challenges was the task of having all singers stand on two tarps and turn
them over without ever coming in contact with the pavement. Lunch replete with luscious pie,
build-it-yourself sandwiches, and salads was catered by NaNa Chells
Membership in Itasca Community Chorus is closed for now but
will reopen in January. For more
information contact
Membership in the Messiah Choir slated
for Dec. 13th is now open, so start practicing now with one of the
collaborating church choirs from Community Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew’s
Lutheran Church or Zion Lutheran Church for the mass Messiah Choir Dec. 13th.
Members left singing “How Can I Keep from Singing,” “ Shenandoah,”
“Danny Boy,” “My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord,” “Swinging with the Saints,”
and other spirituals practiced
throughout the day. Singing with Sam is good work and a lot of fun, so plan to
join us Oct. 30 at 7:00 pm at the United Methodist Church.
The activity was funded in part by an Action Team grant from Thrivent
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
On Fire . . .
Last night Sam Evans burned blue throughout a two-hour rehearsal. Inspired by the music and the new season, Sam promised to jump, dance, do whatever it takes to pull together a the volunteer choir of 50 plus voices. Leading off with Keith Hampton's "Praise His Holy Name," Sam kept the attention and the choir tuned through his whole-hearted commitment to making beautiful music.
A 2011 graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, Sam brought us the best of his experience under Rene Clausen in addition to his own continuous music education. To set the tone after a 10-minute break, Sam modeled a "Glad to Meet You" feature that allows a member to step up and introduce him/herself weekly.
Among the new members is Allison, a music teacher and former member of the Northern Lights Chorale who has just moved into the community. Allison her husband are expecting their first child in October, but she came because she needs to sing. Deena Skaja came, too and was assured that Itasca Community Chorus is a "community plus one" organization where we welcome each singer who wants to help us harmonize. If one section looks too large, we'll adapt.
We are as always looking for more tenors and basses. Last evening the choir thrilled when Len Hedman hit those low notes and listened with appreciation when Mary Ann Bartos switched to tenor to help with the high notes.
Kathy Goodwin indicated that "Danny Boy" brought her close to tears as did "Over the Rainbow."
In this season's repertoire are Moses Hogan's "My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord," James Erb's "Shenandoah," and Z. Randall Stroop's "How Can I Keep from Singing." The chorus left last night after a resonant "The Lord Bless You and Keep You."
This morning Sam has emailed all members utube recordings of several of the numbers to keep us singing throughout the week.
As always, each member contributes so much to the choir weekly and there's so much to learn from each other, that Itasca Community Chorus asks that all members make music and attendance a priority. The season is short, the Sept. 12 retreat is coming up shortly, and the Oct. 30th concert is just week's away, too so let's all keep the fire burning.
Reach Sam at
A 2011 graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, Sam brought us the best of his experience under Rene Clausen in addition to his own continuous music education. To set the tone after a 10-minute break, Sam modeled a "Glad to Meet You" feature that allows a member to step up and introduce him/herself weekly.
Among the new members is Allison, a music teacher and former member of the Northern Lights Chorale who has just moved into the community. Allison her husband are expecting their first child in October, but she came because she needs to sing. Deena Skaja came, too and was assured that Itasca Community Chorus is a "community plus one" organization where we welcome each singer who wants to help us harmonize. If one section looks too large, we'll adapt.
We are as always looking for more tenors and basses. Last evening the choir thrilled when Len Hedman hit those low notes and listened with appreciation when Mary Ann Bartos switched to tenor to help with the high notes.
Kathy Goodwin indicated that "Danny Boy" brought her close to tears as did "Over the Rainbow."
In this season's repertoire are Moses Hogan's "My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord," James Erb's "Shenandoah," and Z. Randall Stroop's "How Can I Keep from Singing." The chorus left last night after a resonant "The Lord Bless You and Keep You."
This morning Sam has emailed all members utube recordings of several of the numbers to keep us singing throughout the week.
As always, each member contributes so much to the choir weekly and there's so much to learn from each other, that Itasca Community Chorus asks that all members make music and attendance a priority. The season is short, the Sept. 12 retreat is coming up shortly, and the Oct. 30th concert is just week's away, too so let's all keep the fire burning.
Reach Sam at
Thursday, August 13, 2015
New Season/New Direction
Itasca Community Chorus is gearing up for another phenomenal season under the direction of Sam Evans and accompanist Stuart Boehr. The choir rehearses Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 at Zion Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids. This choir open to all, and singers are encouraged to make as many rehearsals as possible.
Sam Evans conscientiously rehearses the ensemble so that by concert time, those who attend regularly can feel confident of the music. Sectionals are held as needed and this year Sam's asking that at least a couple of the numbers be memorized.
The plan for the Oct. 30, 2015 program at the United Methodist Church in Grand Rapids centers around newer arrangements of the old spirituals.The Choir will be singing 8 or 9 numbers and numerous solo, duet, and small ensemble opportunities are available.
In the repertoire are numbers from well-known arrangers like Mark Hayes, Moses Hogan, and William Dawson. From "My Soul's Anchor" through "Ezekiel's Wheel" to "Over the Rainbow," the program promises to keep us asking "How Can I Keep from Singing."
The Itasca Choral Society Board has moved the concert date up so that a number of our loyal snowbirds can participate. Rehearsal begins Sept. 1. A workshop will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, Saturday, September 12 from 9:00 to 3:00 to afford the choir a jumpstart on a short semester. The Choir will intermix a lot of good singing and woodshedding with social activities and a catered noon meal. Email Sam at to reserve your spot.
Note the early start date and please do join us Tuesday, September 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids for a fun-filled season of making beautiful music with Itasca Community Chorus.
Sam Evans conscientiously rehearses the ensemble so that by concert time, those who attend regularly can feel confident of the music. Sectionals are held as needed and this year Sam's asking that at least a couple of the numbers be memorized.
The plan for the Oct. 30, 2015 program at the United Methodist Church in Grand Rapids centers around newer arrangements of the old spirituals.The Choir will be singing 8 or 9 numbers and numerous solo, duet, and small ensemble opportunities are available.
In the repertoire are numbers from well-known arrangers like Mark Hayes, Moses Hogan, and William Dawson. From "My Soul's Anchor" through "Ezekiel's Wheel" to "Over the Rainbow," the program promises to keep us asking "How Can I Keep from Singing."
The Itasca Choral Society Board has moved the concert date up so that a number of our loyal snowbirds can participate. Rehearsal begins Sept. 1. A workshop will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, Saturday, September 12 from 9:00 to 3:00 to afford the choir a jumpstart on a short semester. The Choir will intermix a lot of good singing and woodshedding with social activities and a catered noon meal. Email Sam at to reserve your spot.
Note the early start date and please do join us Tuesday, September 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids for a fun-filled season of making beautiful music with Itasca Community Chorus.
Monday, April 27, 2015
We Did It! And We Sang It Phenomenally Well!
Yes, Sunday afternoon you missed it! In Greenway Auditorium under full lights and in competition with that sunny weather, Itasca Community Chorus sang to a small, but appreciative audience. Never have the strings, piano and chorus meshed so beautifully as when they sang "Word over all: beautiful as the sky that WAR MUST IN TIME BE UTTERLY LOST." Taken from Walt Whitman's poetry as well as biblical scripture and set to music but Ralph Vaughen Williams, audience members could hear the "beat, beat drums; blow bugles blow" approaching. The chorus agonized back, "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?"
Baritone Loren Squires and soprano Susan Loeffler held chorus and audience alike in their thrall as they projected their grief over the loss of life and their petition for peace Dona Nobis Pacem. Complemented by a four-string orchestra and a pianist par excellence, chorus members left the concert asking if we might do this again in three or four years. As one newer member said, "So many in the audience have never heard anything like this."
The power point of the Carnegie Tour to New York City at intermission was almost anti-climactic, and though the chorus sang the Broadway tunes with heart and energy, I for one was still singing from the Pacem "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men."
That's it for Itasca Community Chorus until the Tuesday after Labor Day. Chorus members, their friends, and family are invited to Zorbaz tomorrow evening for a time to socialize and celebrate.
Baritone Loren Squires and soprano Susan Loeffler held chorus and audience alike in their thrall as they projected their grief over the loss of life and their petition for peace Dona Nobis Pacem. Complemented by a four-string orchestra and a pianist par excellence, chorus members left the concert asking if we might do this again in three or four years. As one newer member said, "So many in the audience have never heard anything like this."
The power point of the Carnegie Tour to New York City at intermission was almost anti-climactic, and though the chorus sang the Broadway tunes with heart and energy, I for one was still singing from the Pacem "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men."
That's it for Itasca Community Chorus until the Tuesday after Labor Day. Chorus members, their friends, and family are invited to Zorbaz tomorrow evening for a time to socialize and celebrate.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Sunday at Greenway Audtorium 4:00 pm
We've rehearsed and rehearsed so please join us for the concert. You'll hear Dona Nobis Pacem, enjoy our small orchestra as it carries us through 38 minutes of unbelievably rich text and composition that addresses war, moves us toward reconciliation, and ends on the soprano's haunting plea for peace. Soloists Loren Squires, baritone, and soprano Susan Loeffler sing like professionals. Our orchestra is second to none and the choir itself has grown since that stellar spring concert last spring that launched our grand tour to Carnegie Hall in New York City. At intermission we hope to share some of our best slides of our New York City time and we'd love to visit with you during the reception that follows the concert. Tickets are free to children and veterans and only $10 for adults. See you there!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
We're Back and Ready to Deliver. . .
Sunday at 4:00 in Greenway Auditorium the entire choir brings you New York New York, a concert of prayerful petition throughout Dona Nobis Pacem, Ralph Vaughen William's cantata, followed by the inspiring songs of Broadway.
Tickets (available at the door) are only $10 with complementary tickets to students and veterans, courtesy of a Lake Country Power Operation RoundUp grant.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Carnegie Hall--We Did It!
A week ago tonight 20 of us stepped onto the Carnegie Stage in New York City (along with 243 singers from across the nation) and performed Ralph Vaughen Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem. Now we want to bring our experience back to you:

and share as much as we can at Greenway Auditorium next Sunday, April 26th at 4:00 pm.
We're still totally in awe of this powerful prayer for peace and our entire experience. The Itasca Community Chorus Carnegie Tour 2015 was even more than Director Sam Evans promised. I, for one, don't know how we can give you more, but we're going to try to complete a powerpoint from some of our best photos to show at intermission, deliver a second half of the concert with Broadway tunes and follow that with a reception. That's $10 for adult tickets at the door with complementary veteran and student tickets courtesy of Lake Country Power.
This activity is brought to you in part by MN Legacy funds through a grant from Arrowhead Regional Arts Council.

and share as much as we can at Greenway Auditorium next Sunday, April 26th at 4:00 pm.
We're still totally in awe of this powerful prayer for peace and our entire experience. The Itasca Community Chorus Carnegie Tour 2015 was even more than Director Sam Evans promised. I, for one, don't know how we can give you more, but we're going to try to complete a powerpoint from some of our best photos to show at intermission, deliver a second half of the concert with Broadway tunes and follow that with a reception. That's $10 for adult tickets at the door with complementary veteran and student tickets courtesy of Lake Country Power.
This activity is brought to you in part by MN Legacy funds through a grant from Arrowhead Regional Arts Council.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Opportunity and Challenge!
So here we are in NYC with a fabuous director in Trey Jacobs. Our rehearsals have been 4 intense hours of good choral work with detailed instruction on how to enunciate so the audience can understand and shape each phrase so just listening to tone communicates deep grief, terror, etc. We've learned about echo consonants among other techniques. The soprano soloist uses these to the point where her final "pacem" is delivered like a kiss.
The frustrating part is that my electronics are not connecting and I can not share the fabuous photos being taken by our singers and VIPS. For a taste try Facebook and ask to befriend Glenna Tolrud. She and Connie Daigle's daughter Linnea have been in constant motion and recording the highlights with their cellphones. We're hoping to create a power point to show some of these at our home concert in Greenway Auditorium, Sunday, Aprill 26th at 4:00 pm. Tickets are on sale or from Itasca Community Choir members: $10 for adults with students and veterans free courtesy of a Lake Country Power Opeation RoundUp grant.
The frustrating part is that my electronics are not connecting and I can not share the fabuous photos being taken by our singers and VIPS. For a taste try Facebook and ask to befriend Glenna Tolrud. She and Connie Daigle's daughter Linnea have been in constant motion and recording the highlights with their cellphones. We're hoping to create a power point to show some of these at our home concert in Greenway Auditorium, Sunday, Aprill 26th at 4:00 pm. Tickets are on sale or from Itasca Community Choir members: $10 for adults with students and veterans free courtesy of a Lake Country Power Opeation RoundUp grant.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
New York New York
April 8, 2015 at 6:00 am thirty-one Itasca Community Chorus singers and their supporters depart from Grand Rapids for Carnegie Hall in New York City. There they will rehearse for 14 hours with Distinguished Choirs of New York City Director Trey Jacob as he brings 250 vocalists from around the nation and full orchestra together to perform Ralph Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem cantata on the Carnegie stage Sunday evening April 12.
The event Itasca Community Chorus has worked long and hard for under the direction of Sam Evan and accompanist Stuart Boehr is days away, but before the cadre of singers departs, we have two intense rehearsals ahead.
Please follow us here, on twitter, and Facebook as we share pictures and snippets of our New York tour.
The event Itasca Community Chorus has worked long and hard for under the direction of Sam Evan and accompanist Stuart Boehr is days away, but before the cadre of singers departs, we have two intense rehearsals ahead.
Please follow us here, on twitter, and Facebook as we share pictures and snippets of our New York tour.
In Awe
Last night Itasca Community Chorus rehearsed with the baritone and soprano soloists Loren Squires and Susan Saxhaug Loeffler. The chorus was "in awe" to the point where Director Sam Evans first said, "Don't clap now" only moments later to say "You can clap now!"
Since Day 1 the chorus has been in awe of what accompanist Stuart Boehr does on the piano, but last night sent us out the door still singing. Week by week the sections have gained in their ability to produce music some thought inaccessible to us. Last night section leader Lenora Evans commented, "That was easy!" Until April 26th we will all work on that tricky timing or the unusual interval, but the key words here are "We will ALL work!" And happily so. . .
Posters are out; tickets are on sale from choir members at $10 per adult so please reserve Sunday, April 26th on your calendar. And allow a bit of extra time because this time we're performing Ralph Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem followed by hits from Broadway on the historic stage in Greenway at 4:00 pm. Student, active military, and veteran tickets are free. Reception follows.
Since Day 1 the chorus has been in awe of what accompanist Stuart Boehr does on the piano, but last night sent us out the door still singing. Week by week the sections have gained in their ability to produce music some thought inaccessible to us. Last night section leader Lenora Evans commented, "That was easy!" Until April 26th we will all work on that tricky timing or the unusual interval, but the key words here are "We will ALL work!" And happily so. . .
Posters are out; tickets are on sale from choir members at $10 per adult so please reserve Sunday, April 26th on your calendar. And allow a bit of extra time because this time we're performing Ralph Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem followed by hits from Broadway on the historic stage in Greenway at 4:00 pm. Student, active military, and veteran tickets are free. Reception follows.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
New York New York
The long anticipated tour to Carnegie Hall in New York City is nearly here. April 8 thirty-one singers and their supporters will depart Grand Rapids at 6:00 am. Once there vocalists will mass with a national choir of 250 voices and full orchestra under the direction Trey Jacobs of New York City Choirs of Distinction to rehearse before performing Dona Nobis Pacem on the Carnegie stage Sunday, April 12.
Since January Itasca Community Chorus has been rehearsing not only Ralph Vaughan Williams' Prayer for Peace (Dona Nobis Pacem), but also Broadway hits from Mama Mia, Wicked, and Hairspray as well as the title piece "New York New York."
April 26 at 4:00 pm. the full choir will present all of the above at the historic auditorium in Greenway. In keeping with their mission, Itasca Choral Society has obtained assistance from Lake Country Power, held a Soup'r Good fundraiser, and obtained an ARAC grant to keep tickets very affordable. Student, active military, and veteran tickets are complementary and all others are $10. Tickets are available from chorus members, on Facebook, and at the door.
Following the concert is a reception at which returned Carnegie singers will share their experience.
New York New York is funded in part by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, thanks to appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature’s general and arts and cultural heritage funds.
Since January Itasca Community Chorus has been rehearsing not only Ralph Vaughan Williams' Prayer for Peace (Dona Nobis Pacem), but also Broadway hits from Mama Mia, Wicked, and Hairspray as well as the title piece "New York New York."
April 26 at 4:00 pm. the full choir will present all of the above at the historic auditorium in Greenway. In keeping with their mission, Itasca Choral Society has obtained assistance from Lake Country Power, held a Soup'r Good fundraiser, and obtained an ARAC grant to keep tickets very affordable. Student, active military, and veteran tickets are complementary and all others are $10. Tickets are available from chorus members, on Facebook, and at the door.
Following the concert is a reception at which returned Carnegie singers will share their experience.
New York New York is funded in part by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, thanks to appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature’s general and arts and cultural heritage funds.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
New York New York!
Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 6:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Itasca Community Chorus starts the countdown for our tour to Carnegie Hall April 8-16, 2015. When we began this process in May, little did we realize how quickly the time would fly.
In addition to the Ralph Vaughan Williams' arrangement of Dona Nobis Pacem, which those on tour will sing with the national mass choir of 250 voices with full orchestra on the Carnegie stage, April 12, the full chorus will be singing a number of Broadway tunes. Director Sam Evans rattled these off for us last Tuesday evening at the Magnum viewing gathering, but to see them for yourselves, we'll need you to come a little early to sign out music for the April 25th? concert at Greenway Auditorium in Coleraine.
We're especially looking for tenors and basses so if you think you'd like to sing, try us out. We have experts to help everyone sound better than you ever thought you could. And the fun you'll have as you practice and socialize with members of Itasca Community Chorus.
For more details email Sam: Itasca Community
In addition to the Ralph Vaughan Williams' arrangement of Dona Nobis Pacem, which those on tour will sing with the national mass choir of 250 voices with full orchestra on the Carnegie stage, April 12, the full chorus will be singing a number of Broadway tunes. Director Sam Evans rattled these off for us last Tuesday evening at the Magnum viewing gathering, but to see them for yourselves, we'll need you to come a little early to sign out music for the April 25th? concert at Greenway Auditorium in Coleraine.
We're especially looking for tenors and basses so if you think you'd like to sing, try us out. We have experts to help everyone sound better than you ever thought you could. And the fun you'll have as you practice and socialize with members of Itasca Community Chorus.
For more details email Sam: Itasca Community
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